
One-click, instant privacy


UX, Visual Design, Product Management


Browser Extension, Web, iOS/Android App





If you’re one of the nearly 5 billion internet users worldwide, you live a lot of you life online. While you’re browsing, buying, streaming, and socializing, you’re leaving a lot of personal information with a lot of different services all over the web. Your personal information, when collected, correlated, packaged up and sold, is a highly lucrative business — one where your life and behaviors are the product.

Learn more about Surveillance Capitalism →


A cohesive product suite that allows anyone to create instant, unique email addresses, phone numbers, passwords, and usernames through a while browser extension, web platform, and iOS and Android apps.

Visit the Cloaked website ->

Meeting users where they're at

The majority of users share their personally identifiable information online when filling out forms. Shopping, travel, social media, and entertainment platforms -- seemingly innocuous internet activities -- were some of the biggest moments where users were enticed to risk their private information. As a result, our flagship product was a browser extension that works much like any password manager that not only stores information, but also generates real, unique phone numbers, email addresses, and passwords.

Poke through the design file -->

Users can generate a real phone number by clicking on a small widget that appears in form fields
Password manager remembers and enters in users' information
Different trigger states show different flows based on whether or not the user has saved information for that website
A modal guides the user through the identity creation process
Users can drag and drop the pop-up to different corners of their internet browser screens

On the go

One of our favorite use cases for cloaking was sharing a phone number with a stranger at a bar or with political canvassers looking to sign you up for mailing lists. Our toughest challenge was encouraging users to cloak while they were away from their computers. Users felt that pulling out a phone to create an identity in front of other people was too awkward, so we went through several redesigns to optimize making an identity as quickly as possible.

Search, Categorize, and Manage

The dashboard was the primary platform where people wanted to manage their identities. The look and feel needed to be clean and professional, but we still wanted it to feel pleasant and an easy integration into our users' lifestyles. Drawing inspiration from music apps and messaging platforms, we wanted to promote cloaking as a lifestyle.

Dashboard in dark and light mode

Cloaked Credit Cards

What if you had the ability to create a new credit card number each time you made a purchase? In the Summer of 2022, we kicked off a partnership with Visa

Generating cloaked credit cards on mobile, dashboard, and through the extension